Low Voltage Power Capacitors

Item No.: LP.CP
The LP.CP low voltage power capacitors are designed by German cooperation company and commissioned by famous capacitor manufacturer to test , check and produce. LP.CP series low voltage capacitors are designed for low voltage reactive power compensation s
Description Selection

► Safe operation under severe conditions 
► Overvoltage circuit breaker protection
► System configuration discharge device 
► self-healing ability 
► Flame retardant dry structure
► Sturdy cylindrical housing, small size mounting
► 130000 hours of service life
► Suitable for various reactive power compensation systems
► EN60831-1-1998+A1-2003, UL810-2008, (GB/T12747.1-2004, GB/T12747.2-2004)


model Operating
Voltage (Vac)
Reactive power
(450V Kvar)
In (A) C (uF) DxH (mm) Retaining screw DxH(mm)
LP.CP-450-5 450 5 6.4 26.20*3 65*180 12*16
LP.CP-450-6 450 6 7.68 31.44*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-450-7.5 450 7.5 9.6 39.30*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-450-9 450 9 11.52 47.16*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-450-12 450 12 15.36 62.88*3 76*240 12*16
LP.CP-450-15 450 15 19.2 78.60*3 86*240 12*16
LP.CP-450-19 450 19 27.35 99.55*3 96*240 12*25
LP.CP-450-25 450 25 32 130.99*3 106*240 12*25
LP.CP-450-27.5 450 27.5 35.2 144.09*3 116*240 12*25
LP.CP-450-30 450 30 38.4 157.19*3 116*240 12*25
LP.CP-450-40 450 40 51.2 209.59*3 116*285 12*25
model Operating
Voltage (Vac)
Reactive power
(480V Kvar)
In (A) C (uF) DxH (mm) Retaining screw DxH(mm)
LP.CP-480-9 480 9 10.82  41.45*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-480-10.5 480 10.5 12.62  48.35*3 76*240 12*16
LP.CP-480-13.5 480 13.5 16.23  62.17*3 86*240 12*16
LP.CP-480-17.5 480 17.5 21.04  80.59*3 96*240 16*25
LP.CP-480-22 480 22 26.44  101.31*3 106*240 16*25
LP.CP-480-27.5 480 27.5 33.06  126.64*3 116*240 16*25
LP.CP-480-33.5 480 33.5 40.27  154.27*3 116*285 16*25
LP.CP-480-40 480 40 48.08  184.21*3 116*285 16*25
LP.CP-480-41 480 41 49.28  188.81*3 116*285 16*25
LP.CP-480-50 480 50 60.10  230.26*3 136*285 16*25
model Operating
Voltage (Vac)
Reactive power
(525V Kvar)
In (A) C (uF) DxH (mm) Retaining screw DxH(mm)
LP.CP-525-6 525 6 6.60  23.1*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-525-7.5 525 7.5 8.25  28.87*3 65*240 12*16
LP.CP-525-10 525 10 11.00  38.5*3 76*240 12*16
LP.CP-525-11.5 525 11.5 12.65  44.27*3 86*240 12*16
LP.CP-525-15 525 15 16.50  57.74*3 96*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-19 525 19 20.90  73.14*3 106*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-22.5 525 22.5 24.75  86.61*3 116*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-25 525 25 27.50  96.24*3 116*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-30 525 30 33.00  115.49*3 116*285 16*25
LP.CP-525-35 525 35 38.50  134.73*3 136*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-37.5 525 37.5 41.25  144.36*3 136*240 16*25
LP.CP-525-45 525 45 49.50  173.23*3 136*285 16*25