Frequency Monitoring Relay Over And Under(35mm DIN) MFR-DU  频率检测继电器

Item No.: 频率检测继电器
MFA-DU Frequency Monitoring Relays are designed to protect motors, generators and other systems working at 40Hz to 70Hz which may be damaged from frequency variations on the supply. Start delay and Alarm delay time parameter's are built into the ...
MFA-DU Frequency Monitoring Relays are designed to protect motors, generators and other systems working at 40Hz to 70Hz which may be damaged from frequency variations on the supply. Start delay and Alarm delay time parameter's are built into the product to prevent instantaneous frequency variations causing an alarm.
MFA-DU 频率检测继电器适用于工作在40Hz 至 70Hz电机,发电机组及其他系统。继电器提供高、低频率保护,防止因为电源频率变化而可能损坏这些设备。MFA-DU 提供"启动延时"及"报警延时"防止.

Frequency Monitoring Relay 频率检测继电器 For motors and other control system
According Standard  根据标准 IEC60255-25
Supply 电源 85 - 265V AC/ 24V DC ±15%
AC Aux. Frequency 交流工作电源频率 50/60Hz ±10%
Measuring Frequency 测量输入范围 30 - 70Hz
Frequency threshold 频率阻值 Under: 30 - 55Hz
Over : 45 - 70Hz
Delay time 延迟时间 0.1 - 25 sec.
Instant tripping time 速断时间 <1sec.
Reset time 复位时间 2sec.(Fixed)
Start time 开始时间 1 - 6 sec.
Hysteresis 滞后 3% x Fr_set
Output 输出 1 C/O 继电器
Operation temperature 工作温度 -20 - +50C°
Humidity 湿度 <95%不结露